is a website created in my spare time to showcase my amateur photography taken with my Canon digital cameras.
Not the greatest site in the world I’m sure you’ll agree, but not bad for someone who has no experience or idea how to put together websites.
I am currently using the Canon EOS 50D digital SLR camera with Canon 17-85 and 70-300 IS USM lenses.
I also have a Canon ISUX 90IS for those point and shoot moments or when I don’t have the EOS 50d with me
I am currently using adobe photoshop CS4 and lightroom 2 to edit my images on a quad core Windows 7 PC – No mac in sight!
I am an amateur photographer and I used to live in Kent which is a great county for taking photographs, from the ancient castles to the breathtaking vistas of the south downs, a truly beautiful place to live -the Garden of England.
As you may be able to see from some of my photographs, I have travelled all over Kent to take pictures.
I’m still learning the craft of photography and also webdesign in order to show them, and this site is in no way professionally designed, so please excuse any omissions or broken bits..
Not taking many photographs any more due to time commitments with other activities, however whenever I can, I’ll take some new shots.
Thanks for looking
PS Feel free to have a nosey around the kitcar blog, my friend Neal Manley & I are restoring a Caterham 7 replica kit car in our spare time.