
Black & Decker Workmate Restoration Part 4 – Paint Stripping

  • 02/12/2020

The next stage in my Black & Decker Workmate WM625 restoration is to strip off the old paint and rust.

The aluminium parts are first, these are relatively easy to clean up, I just clamped them carefully into a vice and then ran over them with a wire brush in a battery drill, this takes off the surface corrosion really easily but PPE is definitely a must as there is a lot of dust and flying wire strands.

Below is a before and after cleaning shot

You can clearly see all the corrosion on the steel parts that will need to be cleaned up properly before repainting. I will try and remove as much as possible with a grinder and wire wheel before using the sandblaster which still has not arrived from Machine Mart yet.

Just before I started on the step part of the base I noticed there is a model number stamped into it. I cleaned it up and it clearly shows the model as a WM625 Type E04 that was made in the Republic of Ireland.