The weather here in March and April of 2021 has been quite unpredictable and left very little opportunity to actually apply some paint to my workmate without risking it getting damp and spoiling the finish. I have degreased the parts several times now in preparation for the painting with panel wipe and thinners but have been foiled time and again by poor weather or just being far too cold.
However, the beginning of May yielded some fine weather for a day or two so I got straight on to mixing up a bit of the 2K Etch Primer that I got from Jawel Paints. It’s an odd yellow/green colour and is almost translucent, not sure why but I was expecting a grey build primer but this is nothing like that.
Etch primer has much better adhesion to metal than standard primer and I thought that was important on a working tool.
The paint itself needs to be mixed with a hardener and sprayed outside or in a very well ventilated area and breathing apparatus is essential as the paint contains isocyanates. I use a 3M face mask with organic particulate filters and made sure I was outside and downwind of any paint overspray.
After about 4-5 thin coats, the parts have taken on an almost olive drab colour and I am pretty pleased with how even it is.