I found a bit of time and braved the freezing cold garage to start the stripdown of my Black & Decker Workmate WM625.
After taking off the wooden jaws which was a simple operation which involved removing of two screws which hold the rear jaw adjuster block to the adjustment screw.
After removing this, there is a roll pin in the adjustment clamp handle which is easily drifted out to entirely remove the adjustment clamping screw.
This exposes the machine screws that hold the plywood jaws on and allows them to be removed.
The next few steps seemed to fly past as I got right into the strip down and it was much easier than I thought.
The starlock washers were levered off and the locking mechanism was removed leaving only the base connected to the jaw supports by the aluminium H sections.
The final disassembly step is to remove the already loose machine screws and pull it all apart.
By now the top part is completely removed, two more machine screws each side and the aluminium H supports are totally removed. It’s interesting to see there are hard plastic bearings between the steel jaw support and the aluminium H frame to prevent premature wear.
Here is the entire bench disassembled into its constituent parts. Next job will be paint removal.
I plan to remove as much of the paint as possible with a grinder and wire brush, the rest I will try and remove with a sand blaster which I have just ordered from Machine Mart.